I have been working on a fun little project we are calling the infinity rain garden. It is a set of two rain gardens that were originally created with a grant from the Deer Creek Watershed Alliance. The raingardens are out in the middle of the lawn at the lowest points in order to absorb water and make the yard less soggy and more usable. We connected the two gardens with a mulch border and infinite loop as a barrier against weeds getting into the gardens and as a meditation walking path. The path is short but since it is a loop one can go around as many times as needed. In the intersection of the two loops there is a special symbolic stone placed that will be passed twice each circuit.
Originally this garden was created to serve one function, of absorbing rainwater, but as it develops over time it takes on more functions, as a focal point to draw you out into the yard, a space for meditation, and a refuge for pollinators.
The Deer Creek watershed covers an area between Clayton, Glendale, and Creve Coeur. If you live in this area I strongly encourage you to look into this grant opportunity.