
My business objective is to
Pass on my knowledge of native plants by working side by side with you in the garden.
Help you become comfortable growing native plants in your landscape.
Promote native plant gardening by working with you on site to answer your unique garden questions.
Rain gardens
Plant propagation
Pollinator gardens
Prairie plantings
School gardens
Sustainable yards
Weed identification

$100 for a two hour home visit including plant recommendations, plant ID, garden sketch, and next steps. Larger landscapes will take more time.
$50 per hour of hands on garden instruction such as pruning, seed collecting, dividing plants, etc. Minimum 2 hours.
Ask for pricing on yard sitting, garden event spruce up, or other projects. I'm not available for maintenance visits.

Garden Certification:
Do you Want Your Garden Recognized? I can help you achieve the following certifications in your garden.
"Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature -- the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter."
Rachel Carson
"I like gardening — it's a place where I find myself when I need to lose myself."
Alice Sebold
A small rain swale directs water down a slope without washing out the path. Planted with rushes and lobelia.
Freshly planted native raingarden at The College School.
An upcycled backyard pond is fun for humans and wildlife.
Black-eyed Susan and spikerush border a path leading to the prairie garden.
An insect hotel provides winter habitat and nesting space for beneficial insects like solitary bees.
Seed collecting and propagating your own plants can save you money and make great gifts for your friends.

In addition to native plants a garden is a good place to grow food. I always grow a few vegetables in the empty spaces of my garden. Weeding is always better when you can eat cherry tomatoes at the same time.