There is no need to hurry to remove every dead tree. If the tree is not in danger of falling on someone or something it can be a benefit to leave standing. If the tree is a hazard, consider hiring an arborist to only remove the dangerous branches. Trees dying from disease may need to be removed entirely to prevent the disease from infecting nearby trees. A standing dead tree provides habitat for many birds, insects, fungi, and mammals that specialize on decaying wood. A dead tree has many nutrients locked inside its tissues that can be returned to enrich the garden soil if it is allowed to remain and naturally decay. Try to find the stoic beauty in the tree as it once again returns to the earth.
If a tree needs to be removed, winter is a good time to do it. When the ground is frozen and the plants are dormant there will be less damage to the garden.

There is value in leaving dead trees standing:
attracts woodpeckers
wood nesting bees
habitat for beetles
perch for birds of prey
easy views of wildlife
slowly returning nutrients to soil
home for cavity nesting birds
absorb and slowly release rain water