This spring I will be heading back to Millstream Gardens Conservation Area in Madison County to see the spring flowers. Millstream Gardens is a 697-acre tract of land best known for hosting the whitewater kayak championships on the St Francis river. There is also a roughly 10 mile out and back trail starting at the millstream picnic pavilion and turning around at the silver mines dam. The trail wanders through riverside forest and up to rocky glades and has many lovely views of the river. The spring flowers grow in drifts along the path and sprout from crevices in the rocks. Along the trail is Allium, Phlox, Dodecatheon, Tradescantia, Silene, Trillium, etc. bloom in late April. While we hiked we enjoyed watching kayakers down below playing in the shut-ins along the river. At the silver mines dam we stop to have lunch and a lazy nap out on the sun warmed rocks. We saw several snakes and skinks out sunning themselves also. Spring is not the only time that I enjoy Millstream Gardens, in the summer, the river is a nice retreat from the heat. On fall hikes the asters, goldenrods, and Cunila are blooming. There is a lot of red from the sumac, Ludwigia, and wahoo in early October. Icicles and other ice formations are beautiful along the river for those brave enough to visit in those conditions. If my timing is perfect I even see frost flowers on the Verbesina, but it is rare that I’m up early enough before they melt. To enjoy all the sights at a leisurely pace there is nearby camping at Silver Mines Recreation Area. Millstream Gardens Conservation Area is a must see place for the wildflower enthusiast.
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