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  • Writer's pictureBesa

Plant this…

Updated: Aug 14, 2020

With native plant gardening it is all about right plant, right place, but sometimes there is a difficult place and we don’t know what to plant. Bellow is a list of the most commonly difficult garden problem spaces and some native plants to try for each. I know there are many other plants that could fit into many of these categories but I tried to pick the two best in my experience. If you have any suggestions for additions to the list just comment below. For native alternatives to common invasive species check out this link

  • To provide an instant screen plant grey dogwood and hazelnut.

  • For evergreen plant eastern red cedar and sedges.

  • To cover the house foundation plant wild hydrangeas and columbine.

  • If you want something that smells really good plant golden currant and phlox.

  • To cover a steep slope plant fragrant sumac or christmas fern.

  • To drape over a wall plant cliff goldenrod and wine cup.

  • For the edge of the gravel driveway plant rose venbena and prairie dropseed.

  • To fill in the muddy spot in the yard plant button bush and mist flower.

  • For a lawn alternative plant sedges or wild strawberry.

  • To repel mosquitoes plant slender mountain mint and bee balm.

  • A quickly spreading shade ground cover plant golden groundsel or wild ginger.

  • For that area between the sidewalk and street plant wild strawberry or pussy toes.

  • For between stepping stones try path rush and pussy toes.

  • For a formal border hedge try shinning blue star or prairie dropseed.

  • For fall color plant fragrant sumac and little bluestem.

  • To add new leaf textures and colors plant rattlesnake master or solomons seal.

  • For winter interest plant ostrich fern or wild hydrangea.

  • To grow in heavy clay soil or sub soil after construction plant blue wild indigo and black eyed susan.

  • For early spring flowers plant bloodroot and bluebells.

  • If you want neighborhood association pleasers plant prairie dropseed and cliff goldenrod.

  • For morning shade and afternoon sun try purple coneflower and golden groundsel.

  • For erosion control plant fox sedge or palm sedge.

  • To grow a vine on a trellis try coral honeysuckle or leather flower clematis.

  • For an edible native plant try passion flower and wild strawberry.

  • For a long blooming flower plant garden phlox or purple coneflower.

  • To grow in a pot try calamint or Missouri evening primrose

  • To attract butterflies plant wild hydragea and aromatic aster.

  • To attract hummingbirds plant columbine and cardinal flower.

  • To attract gold finches plant coreopsis and coneflower.

  • To attract bees plant aromatic aster and wild hybiscus.

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